Berlin / heim(e)lich / may 2016
fotos: samira
Buenos Aires / Ciudad Cultural Konex / july 2016
Buenos Aires / Hasta Trilce / november 2015
Tucuman / october 2015
Córdoba / La Pepa / october 2015
Buenos Aires / El Universal / september 2015
Without knowing each other in person, with the guys of "AvePez",
we produced this beautiful event in Buenos Aires, together with
"Que lo diga el rio" and "Julio Isa".
A clear example of how our project is working, and of how important it is, to connect.
Buenos Aires / Hasta Trilce / june 2015
Chacabuco / Espacio Municipal de Cultura "Teatro Italiano" / may 2015
Buenos Aires / Ciudad Cultural Konex / august 2013
Buenos Aires / Vicente el Absurdo / 2012